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    D-Day 80th Anniversary Tea Party

    West Dean Parish Council is holding a Tea Party to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Saturday 8 June at the Selsey Arms Pub. From 3pm – 5.30pm there will be live music, food, cakes, scones, tea and coffee, and live music. From 6pm – 7pm there will be bingo. There will also be a tombola and a cake competition – one large or one plate of small cakes or traybake. Please come along and join our celebration!

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    Cemetery memorial inspection

    An inspection of all memorials at the Cemetery and Churchyard at St Andrew’s Church in West Dean will take place week beginning Monday 13 May 2024. This is part of the Parish Council’s ongoing safety programme. Any memorial that has not met the health and safety requirements will be provided with a notice and temporary support. The Parish Council will undertake works to make any memorial safe and will try to contract the holders of exclusive right of burial if records exist. For your own safety, and that of all visitors to the cemetery, please do not attempt to test memorials yourself. Any work to repair memorials must be undertaken…

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    Annual Parish Meeting, 8 May 2024

    The Annual Meeting of Electors for the Parish of West Dean will be held at West Dean College on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 7pm. All electors of the Parish are invited to attend. The meeting is organised by the Parish Council on behalf of the local community to enable residents to find out more about local issues and to have a say on anything they consider to be important to the Parish. Please see the meeting agenda below.

  • Newsletters

    Notice of uncontested election results

    Chichester District Council has announced that as the number of candidates was lower than the number of vacancies to be filled at the election in May 2023, the election was declared to be uncontested and the candidates were elected as unopposed. As such, it was not necessary to hold an election for the Parish. See the Notice of Uncontested Election which sets out the persons who were duly elected as parish councillors for West Dean. Although there were insufficient candidates for an election, a quorum was achieved (three councillors or one third of the total seats, whichever is the greater). The Parish Council is required to co-opt qualified people to…