
Town and Parish News January 2021

Issue 23 | Special edition COVID-19 news January 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccination rolloutTo help you answer questions from residents on the vaccine rollout in West Sussex please view updated details here.The website also includes what residents can expect when they have their vaccination and a detailed list of FAQs, which can be found here. This page also provides contact details if you have a question or want to give feedback.

stay home protect the NHS Save LivesNational lockdown restrictionsYou can familiarise yourself with the new lockdown restrictions in full by visiting the GOV.UK website There are campaign resources including posters that you can download here.You can also help us get the message out about the new lockdown rules by sharing this information within your community messaging groups (e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook, emails etc.) and with friends, family and people in your community who might not otherwise see it. Further COVID-19 information, including data about incidence rates in West Sussex, is available on our website.

woman on phoneSupport for residentsPlease reassure residents they can still get help from the county council’s Community Hub in confidence by calling 033 022 27980 or by completing the online form. The Hub is open seven days a week between 8am-8pm.Mental health support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling the Sussex Mental Healthline on 0800 0309 500.Support for people at risk of harm as a result of domestic abuse is available from the WORTH Specialist Domestic Abuse Service by calling 07834 968539 or 033 022 28181, or emailing This service is available Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm.Support is available to employers and the self-employed, including sole traders and limited company directors. You may be eligible for loans, tax relief and cash grants, whether your business is open or closed.

Keeping in touch

Please share the information in this newsletter widely within your communities.

For daily updates, residents can follow us on social media @WSCCNews and @WestSussexCC.

We are also now on nextdoor, the app designed with communities in mind. Your residents can follow the link and join the conversation.

Thank you for your support. Keep safe.

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